Acumen Scientific
Infrared Physics, Technology & Applications

ABOUT US / Steve Solomon
President & CEO
Phone: 805.708.5084
Email: steve@acumenscientific.com
President & CEO | Acumen Scientific, Goleta, CA
Technical consultant to industry and US government in the areas of electro-optical sensors and focal planes
2000-present | Acumen Scientific, Goleta, CA
Successful transfer of IR emitter MEMS technology
MEMS design and fabrication
Developed new high temperature material set for IR emitters
Materials science & engineering
Technology evaluation for venture capital firms
1993–2000 | Raytheon Vision Systems, Goleta, CA
Principal Physics Engineer
InSb detector fabrication process scientist
IR&D, and technology development
Surface & semiconductor device analysis, physics & modeling
Technical Head
Test director for EO-1 earth observing program
Line manager in engineering test department, recruitment & technical oversight of 25 engineers
Budget oversight and planning
Developed highly successful training program
Senior Systems Engineer
Systems engineer for a major tactical production program, responsible for in excess of 3M$ in cost savings by design of test and specification analysis
Systems engineer for astronomy programs and 2 color FPA program
Optical design and radiometric analysis, performance prediction, specification generation & flow-down
Member of Technical Staff
Design, development & implementation of focal plane array and silicon wafer cryoprobing test capability
Extensive infrared array diagnostics, troubleshooting, testing and circuit analysis
Responsible for substantial improvements in simultaneous 2 color focal plane array performance, test engineering authority for a major tactical DOD production program
PhD, Physics University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
MA, Physics University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
BS (Magna Cum Laude), Physics University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
Best Paper at 1997 Detector IRIS Conference, Monterrey, CA (1997)
Hughes Summit Award for Performance Excellence (1997)
Best paper at Electro-Optic Sensors and Technology Network conference (1998)
NASA Graduate Research Fellow (1991-1993)
Rush Rhees Fellow (1986-1988)
Member elect: Phi Beta Kappa
Over 50 publications
7 patents (none listed)